Romans 15:13, “Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.” Selina Shirley Hastings, Countess of Huntingdon died this day (17th June) 1791. Though of noble birth she came to faith in Christ and used her wealth and influence for the Evangelical Revival that Britain witnessed under George Whitefield and others. Since her childhood she had lived a morally clean and religious life, avoiding the usual sinful pleasures of her noble society. Unfortunately her trust for heaven was in her personal righteousness. Having heard the Gospel under George Whitefield her soul was disturbed. She took seriously ill and from her sick bed she lifted up her heart to God for pardon and mercy through the blood of his Son Jesus Christ. She found “all joy and peace in believing.” To Charles Wesley she wrote: “How solid is the peace and how divine the joy that springs from an assurance that we are united to the Saviour by a living faith. Blessed be his name I have an abiding sense of his presence with me, notwithstanding the weakness and unworthiness I feel.” She was rich in faith and rich in good works. She was known as "Lady Bountiful" for her philanthropic support of the Evangelical cause. She provided funds for the establishment of over sixty chapels, missionary work in America, and Trevecca Theological College. “I am deeply sensible that daily, hourly, and momentarily I stand in need of the sprinkling of my Saviour’s blood. Thanks be to God, the fountain is always open; O what an anchor is this to my soul!” (The Countess of Huntingdon). Comments are closed.
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